I’m excited.
Super excited. So excited in fact, as I write this in my Evernote diary entry I change the tags to #post and #beingatester and it’s going to become the inaugural blog post for our site!
Ok Nathan, why so excited?
For the first time, my closest industry peers and I will be releasing our expert insights and industry secrets on all things Software Testing and Quality Assurance, right here, for everyone.
Whether you are just starting out, are looking for the path to expert, or need expert insights on where to take your organisations quality practices, we can offer you all this and more.
Need to test that iPhone app? We can show you how to save hours looking for a tool, how to set up a simple framework so you never repeat yourself again, and how improving your testing can actually get an app more users, happy 5 star users.
Trying to get a job promotion but don’t think you have enough skills or are scared of the boss laughing at you? We will give you exact scripts to help you nail that next promotion. We give you access to the key information you need so you don’t waste time on all the jargon and other so-called testing experts.
Feel like your job is becoming less and less relevant to the market? We will show you how to take your skills and move them with the trends so you not only stay ahead of the curve, you can actually become an expert in your field.
Can’t seem to get your test plan accepted by the project manager or business stakeholder? Use our proven templates to ensure you get it accepted and signed-off, the first time.
Introducing our Being a Tester Private Email List.
All of this and more, delivered straight to your inbox. You can go join up here
What else can you expect from Being A Tester?
Want access to our tried and tested templates for creating effective tests quickly so you can focus on finding those bugs?
Need a killer test plan to get that Project Manager off your back and get your test team focused on the most effective use of their time?
We are sharing all of those and more as part of our private list, which you can join right here
We have amassed fantastic insights, proven strategies, unconventional yet surprisingly effective tactics, and right-first-time templates from over 20 years in software development across all major industries from Government to Finance, Mining and Oil and Gas to Private Industry.
We have seen a lot and we love searching out the best and keeping up with the trends to stay ahead of the curve.
Is this for me?
But I have a test group within my organisation, how do interview tips and test case templates help me?
Looking to Outsource your testing function? We can get you ready in just a few simple steps to save you tons of time up front.
Get more out of your existing outsource provider? We’ve helped organisations double the output in less than 2 weeks.
Heard all about Automation Testing?
Want to know where to start so you don’t waste months of effort?
Starting with your existing tests is great, but what if you don’t even have those? We can show you a tool-agnostic framework you can apply to start creating reusable tests today.
What if you have been told you can’t automate the ones you have? We can show you the exact strategies you can use to avoid the common mistakes and the clever tactics you can use to overcome issues with automation
Need to know which are the best automation tools for any (or no) budget? We can show you how to create a toolset that matches your requirement and keeps the project manager or stakeholder from screaming (or laughing) in your face
Trying to stay ahead of the curve to keep your testing at the cutting edge?
Cloud testing. Should I be investing in it now? What does it even mean?
How do we test all these new apps all being hosted in the cloud?
Mobile, Automation, Performance, Security…
We can keep you up to date on the latest trends, cut through the jargon, make sure you aren’t on the wrong side of the hype cycle wasting time, money, and limited effort on low value tasks and initiatives, so you can focus on the ultimate value testing brings – High Quality Software.
By helping introduce and mature businesses software development and quality practices we have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly and we are going to show you how to become, grow, and further your own journey through software testing and beyond.
For all this and more, you can join the private email list here and we will get you this information, straight to your inbox. No spam, ever.